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Beuchat Genesis HPS

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Beuchat Genesis HPS Empty Beuchat Genesis HPS

Message par Invité Mar 13 Mar - 16:01

Veuillez m'excuser; je ne parle qu'un petit peu de français.

I believe that this watch is well known to you - the Genesis HPS 4000 from c.1996 that is WR to at least 412bar / 4,000m. I have not seen a thread about the Genesis for a while, so please permit me to indulge myself. At one point, I heard that the new owners of Beuchat might make another oil-filled watch, but I've not seen anything recently...

The HPS - Hyydraulic Pressure System - was designed to provide an oil-filled medium without the bubble noticeable in other models. Beuchat appears to use a membrane that is in direct contact with the water - through a series of holes in the stainless steel caseback.

Beuchat Genesis HPS 5107370394_737353251e

It's an interesting solution, although prone to a couple of weaknesses that other oil-filled watches (e.g. Bell & Ross / Sinn) may not be. If the membrane ruptures, then one assumes that oil will flood out of the caseback. In the Sinn / B&R approaches, the membranes are more like o-rings, so the effect of a perished membrane is probably lessened. I must admit to speculating here - as I've not yet removed the caseback from my HPS Genesis 4000. I need to send this to Paris to get a battery change, and will attempt to get photos while it happens.

The details of the hydrostatic tests carried out at Ifremer are inscribed on the back, which is far more interesting than a simple statement of water-resistance. I believe that the watches were tested to 6000, but I might be wrong.

Beuchat Genesis HPS 5106772853_9f8e77f347

...but there's no lume on the bezel at all.

Beuchat Genesis HPS 5107367742_f8bdf56043

It is very legible from acute angles - a key trait in oil-filled watches.

Beuchat Genesis HPS 5110850476_3a3cbe7dbf_z

But, most remarkably, it looks more like a dress watch than a dive watch.

Beuchat Genesis HPS 5110849224_b5291b52ec_z

I think it may be my favourite dive watch!



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Beuchat Genesis HPS Empty Re: Beuchat Genesis HPS

Message par Invité Mer 14 Mar - 22:52

A very nice watch !


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Beuchat Genesis HPS Empty Re: Beuchat Genesis HPS

Message par tartine.74 Jeu 15 Mar - 0:19

Thanks for that...

Jecko made a very good post about these watches some years ago... :

He also made a post about the prototype of the "new" Beuchat HPS that Beuchat had been kind enough to entrust him for test and evaluation... :

Mine is at Beuchat right now for a battery replacement (which implicates filling with new oil too).. :app:

Beuchat Genesis HPS 121099BEUCHATGENESIS2


L'exactitude est la politesse des montres
Carcharodon megalodon (Administrateur)
Carcharodon megalodon (Administrateur)

Nombre de messages : 10011
Age : 54
Localisation : PARIS
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2009

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Beuchat Genesis HPS Empty Re: Beuchat Genesis HPS

Message par dante Jeu 15 Mar - 9:34

thanks for sharing, very nice watch I regret a lot ....

Quelques forums quand on en a marre des montres et des poissons: le Forum des BD où les méchants, les fainéants, les fourbes gagnent à la fin et les gentils paient cher leurs bons sentiments ! le site des mauvais films sympathiques Journal d'un avocat - Instantanés de la justice et du droit
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Carcharodon carcharias (Modérateur)
Carcharodon carcharias (Modérateur)

Nombre de messages : 8987
Age : 51
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Date d'inscription : 10/04/2008

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Beuchat Genesis HPS Empty Re: Beuchat Genesis HPS

Message par Invité Jeu 15 Mar - 20:32

tartine.74 a écrit:Thanks for that...

Jecko made a very good post about these watches some years ago... :

He also made a post about the prototype of the "new" Beuchat HPS that Beuchat had been kind enough to entrust him for test and evaluation... :

Mine is at Beuchat right now for a battery replacement (which implicates filling with new oil too).. :app:

Beuchat Genesis HPS 121099BEUCHATGENESIS2


Votre montre is ready... :pied:


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Beuchat Genesis HPS Empty Re: Beuchat Genesis HPS

Message par Invité Jeu 15 Mar - 20:33

dante a écrit:thanks for sharing, very nice watch I regret a lot ....


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Beuchat Genesis HPS Empty Re: Beuchat Genesis HPS

Message par Invité Lun 23 Avr - 9:06

Thanks for all the kind comments. Merci bien.

Jecko - Is it possible to send you my Genesis for a new battery / oil change please?



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Beuchat Genesis HPS Empty Re: Beuchat Genesis HPS

Message par Invité Lun 23 Avr - 9:34

With pleasure


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Beuchat Genesis HPS Empty Re: Beuchat Genesis HPS

Message par Invité Lun 23 Avr - 9:41

You have a MP


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Beuchat Genesis HPS Empty Re: Beuchat Genesis HPS

Message par Invité Lun 23 Avr - 13:43

Merci Jecko Very Happy


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Beuchat Genesis HPS Empty Re: Beuchat Genesis HPS

Message par tik140 Lun 23 Avr - 14:18

bonjour Jecko
as tu des nouvelles de la nouvelle hps
que nous avions testé a Agay il y a deja pas mal de temps ?
vont ils sortir ce modele ou ont ils laissé tombé ?

Rhincodon typus
Rhincodon typus

Nombre de messages : 2962
Age : 52
Localisation : caen
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2007

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Beuchat Genesis HPS Empty Re: Beuchat Genesis HPS

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