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Candino Professional 300m custom...

3 participants

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Candino Professional 300m custom... Empty Candino Professional 300m custom...

Message par Invité Mer 3 Déc - 22:02

New Candinos made for the Spanish Forum "Foro de Relojes" ( FdR )...

Candino Professional 300m custom... 3077683685_5c6a7f1767_o

Candino Professional 300m custom... 3078517286_1d7ba2e534_o

Candino Professional 300m custom... 3078519060_8a5f04c2ae_o

And this is mine... :bave:

Candino Professional 300m custom... 3081260682_8ab71501b4_o

Two "blues"....

Candino Professional 300m custom... 3078522624_d73dd5e6c1_o

See you soon...

Dernière édition par vegaban le Jeu 4 Déc - 1:08, édité 1 fois


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Candino Professional 300m custom... Empty Re: Candino Professional 300m custom...

Message par Invité Mer 3 Déc - 22:09

Nice, your's is the best with the bracelet and the plongeur hands.
Which movement is in it?


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Candino Professional 300m custom... Empty Re: Candino Professional 300m custom...

Message par Jean-Marc Mer 3 Déc - 22:11

I like them all :bave:. Congratulations cheers . It seems that, at least, one "forum watch" escaped from their usual malediction.

Very nice, thanx !!!!

Rhincodon typus
Rhincodon typus

Nombre de messages : 11591
Age : 48
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2007

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Candino Professional 300m custom... Empty Re: Candino Professional 300m custom...

Message par Fabrice Mer 3 Déc - 22:17

I like the full black dial and the black/orange one also!

Fabrice (Picrate des Caraïbes) - secoué du casque
Master Toutoune Diver - Tamagoshi & Deep Love Specialties Instructor - Scaphand'routier
"Il existe deux sortes de navires, le sous-marin et la cible"
Alopias Vulpinus (Membre honoraire)
Alopias Vulpinus (Membre honoraire)

Nombre de messages : 18263
Age : 54
Localisation : 44
Date d'inscription : 10/01/2008

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Candino Professional 300m custom... Empty Re: Candino Professional 300m custom...

Message par Invité Mer 3 Déc - 22:20

totof a écrit:Nice, your's is the best with the bracelet and the plongeur hands.
Which movement is in it?

Eta 2824-2


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Candino Professional 300m custom... Empty Re: Candino Professional 300m custom...

Message par Invité Mer 3 Déc - 22:20

:yes: :yes: :yes:


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Candino Professional 300m custom... Empty Re: Candino Professional 300m custom...

Message par Invité Mer 3 Déc - 22:22

I like the first one.



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Candino Professional 300m custom... Empty Re: Candino Professional 300m custom...

Message par Invité Mer 3 Déc - 22:24

vegaban a écrit:
Eta 2824-2


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Candino Professional 300m custom... Empty Re: Candino Professional 300m custom...

Message par Invité Jeu 4 Déc - 0:12

Nice watches ! Thank you. Very Happy


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Candino Professional 300m custom... Empty Re: Candino Professional 300m custom...

Message par Invité Jeu 4 Déc - 1:11

Beautiful watches.


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Candino Professional 300m custom... Empty Re: Candino Professional 300m custom...

Message par time2tic Jeu 4 Déc - 7:40

Jean-Marc a écrit:I like them all :bave:. Congratulations cheers . It seems that, at least, one "forum watch" escaped from their usual malediction.

Very nice, thanx !!!!

think the same. I like them all. I personally prefer the original set of hands as opposed to the omega like set, but they are really nice. This thick bezel is awesome!
Alopias Vulpinus (Membre honoraire)
Alopias Vulpinus (Membre honoraire)

Nombre de messages : 12201
Age : 112
Localisation : Russie
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2007

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Candino Professional 300m custom... Empty Re: Candino Professional 300m custom...

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