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My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200

3 participants

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My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200 Empty My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200

Message par Invité Lun 26 Sep - 20:26

The amazon arrival in spain is the guilty.Not me Laughing Laughing .
I was looking for a tough all-uses watch.Here is the elected.
Same case of Kemmner´s octopuss,but made in Hong Kong not in Germany.
"Only" sub 1200m,not 2000m because of QC in Germany,in Monheim(near Dusseldorf,where De atelier is),helim valve,saphire glass,blue glow dial and bezel.Armored bracelet.Miyota 8215 automatic movement(simple ,I Know,but accurate,longlife warranted and togh caliber)
My first white dial diver,just arriving on next wednesday.
All for eur280 in Spain.
As Marc Almond would said:Beautiful brutal thing.
And happy birthday to me bounce bounce 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200 Detoma13


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My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200 Empty Re: My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200

Message par Etienne Lun 26 Sep - 20:41

1st : :wave: Happy Birthday !!! :wave:
2nd : :right: Nice watch, enjoy !
last but not least : " Blue glow" ? do you have a night shot ?
Galeocerdo Cuvier
Galeocerdo Cuvier

Nombre de messages : 616
Age : 57
Localisation : 28
Date d'inscription : 20/12/2010

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My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200 Empty Re: My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200

Message par Invité Lun 26 Sep - 21:53

My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200 Th_0310

Absolute stunning!


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My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200 Empty Re: My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200

Message par françois assay Lun 26 Sep - 21:56

Happy Bday, :wave: :salut: :wave:

Un sous-marin,pour une baleine,c'est un gros suppositoire. JEAN CARMET
françois assay
françois assay
Rhincodon typus
Rhincodon typus

Nombre de messages : 4981
Age : 61
Localisation : Le Raincy
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2009

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My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200 Empty Re: My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200

Message par Invité Lun 26 Sep - 21:58

Joyeux cheers anniversaire !!


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My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200 Empty Re: My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200

Message par leo fk Lun 26 Sep - 22:36

Happy birthday and congratulations for this nice watch !

leo fk
Carcharhinus longimanus
Carcharhinus longimanus

Nombre de messages : 182
Age : 49
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2011

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My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200 Empty Re: My 45th birthday´s gift:De Tomaso sub 1200

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