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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

9 participants

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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par Invité Dim 3 Oct - 16:07

As you may know, the 6159 was the second watch in Seiko's professional line, following the 6215...

Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) 6159-7001-11
( Seiko 6215, 1967 )

Heritages from the other the monobloc case, water resistant 300m and the screw down crown. It's different the automatic calibre 6159A caliber, a high beat 36000bph with manual winding...

Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) 5047001052_e5e16f64a4_b

A watch with an actual look...

Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) 5046378863_ffe953b686_b

Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) 5046385951_85f7621499_b

...yes, will remind you this...

Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) 5047105810_3931a826de_b

So, the MarineMaster is an "hommage" to the old Seiko professional line...both together... cheers

Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) 5047002156_217a39c13b_b

Case comparo...

Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) 5046384571_15a3d49811_b

Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) 5046589657_163c964a4e_b

...both are monobloc, you have to take off the bezel and the glass to reach the caliber...

Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) 5046383263_4de881eb20_b

The dials...

Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) 5047003274_c06a56f810_b

...and a "lumeshot"..

Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) 6159



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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par Invité Dim 3 Oct - 16:20

Both watches are wonderful, and the pictures are gorgeous, many thanks for sharing with us :right:


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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par Invité Dim 3 Oct - 16:25

Super, i love the 6159-7000 / 7001 (my graal : the 6215) one of the beautifull seiko diver of all time !

Cherry on the cake, the the caliber with 36000 v/h

... maybe one of this days !

Thanks for sharing.


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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par Lautrec Dim 3 Oct - 17:35

drunken drunken

A Wonderful Diver... One of my holy grail ! I tried several time to get one. Uneasy to find in a good shape, with a perfect dial !

Thanks for sharing it !
Rhincodon typus
Rhincodon typus

Nombre de messages : 6416
Age : 52
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2007

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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par Invité Dim 3 Oct - 18:16

Shocked Very beautiful this 6159 !



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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par Invité Dim 3 Oct - 18:29

hi !!

:halu: Wonderful !!


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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par tik140 Dim 3 Oct - 20:42

superb pics
really beautifull watches the older one and the newest one ...

Rhincodon typus
Rhincodon typus

Nombre de messages : 2962
Age : 52
Localisation : caen
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2007

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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par Invité Lun 4 Oct - 13:57

:amour1: :bave:


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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par mirza Lun 4 Oct - 14:03

Nice watch... Nice pics... Thanks ! :yes:


Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Ascuba11
... j'aime bien me mettre sur le dos... j'vois mes bulles qui r'montent et c'est beau...
Alopias Vulpinus (Membre honoraire)
Alopias Vulpinus (Membre honoraire)

Nombre de messages : 8534
Localisation : mes pompes...
Date d'inscription : 19/06/2007

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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par HALO Lun 4 Oct - 14:23

Both watches are gorgeous drunken drunken

Very beautiful pics too
Thanks for sharing

Galeocerdo Cuvier
Galeocerdo Cuvier

Nombre de messages : 604
Age : 45
Localisation : Le Mans
Date d'inscription : 10/06/2010

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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par Nostromo Lun 4 Oct - 14:46

I love those watches! The new one is a perfect homage to the old one. Gorgeous! drunken
Alopias Vulpinus (Membre honoraire)
Alopias Vulpinus (Membre honoraire)

Nombre de messages : 6320
Age : 45
Localisation : Paname
Date d'inscription : 04/09/2010

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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par Jean-Michel Lun 4 Oct - 16:12

VERY nice watch : congrats and thank you for sharing the beautifull pics with us !

Memento audere semper : souviens-toi d'oser toujours
Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Signaturepath_zpsd49429c6
Douxding's power dive team - TDI-SDI Assistant Instructeur - Niveau IV - Trimix  - plongeur Pathfinder CCR Trimix - Instructeur photo/vidéo - plongeur recycleur O2 !
Carcharodon megalodon (Administrateur)
Carcharodon megalodon (Administrateur)

Nombre de messages : 33056
Age : 59
Localisation : Région Parisienne
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2007

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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par BarbuPirate Lun 4 Oct - 19:20

drunken Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) 626404 Very nice, thanks. Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) 37179
Rhincodon typus
Rhincodon typus

Nombre de messages : 3870
Age : 59
Localisation : PACA / IDF
Date d'inscription : 03/07/2009

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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par dante Mar 5 Oct - 12:58

Thanks for sharing that not very common watches with us

Quelques forums quand on en a marre des montres et des poissons: le Forum des BD où les méchants, les fainéants, les fourbes gagnent à la fin et les gentils paient cher leurs bons sentiments ! le site des mauvais films sympathiques Journal d'un avocat - Instantanés de la justice et du droit
ttp:// Petite chronique judiciaire, ordinaire et subjective, qui se développera quand elle le pourra, par un avocat au Barreau de Lille
Carcharodon carcharias (Modérateur)
Carcharodon carcharias (Modérateur)

Nombre de messages : 8987
Age : 51
Localisation : Bruxelles
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2008

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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par Invité Ven 15 Oct - 18:05

awesome watches in a perfect shoots


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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par P@ul Sam 16 Oct - 8:01

Congatulations. cheers

Thanks very much for the post.

Best Regards,
Galeocerdo Cuvier
Galeocerdo Cuvier

Nombre de messages : 695
Age : 68
Localisation : En Alsace
Date d'inscription : 27/10/2007

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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

Message par Invité Sam 16 Oct - 9:39

just beautiful, beautiful :amour1: :yes:


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Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics ) Empty Re: Seiko 6159, the "father" of the MarineMaster...( Pics )

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