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Russian in the snow...( Pics. )

5 participants

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Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) Empty Russian in the snow...( Pics. )

Message par Invité Ven 15 Jan - 10:05

It's really cold this winter here in Spain...

Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) 4274365763_61d1df518a_o

Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) 4275111374_f05d07ec46_o

Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) 4274366263_a6399253ab_o

Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) 4275111998_16d41cae11_o

Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) 4274366947_15a7d5681f_o

Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) 4274367229_c54abc4b09_o

Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) 4275112974_fe5325b51b_o



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Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) Empty Re: Russian in the snow...( Pics. )

Message par françois assay Ven 15 Jan - 10:17

Like Vodka on ice! :yes: what is this model? Cold weather on Spain, :whoo:
françois assay
françois assay
Rhincodon typus
Rhincodon typus

Nombre de messages : 4981
Age : 61
Localisation : Le Raincy
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2009

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Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) Empty Re: Russian in the snow...( Pics. )

Message par Invité Ven 15 Jan - 10:42

françois assay a écrit:Like Vodka on ice! :yes: what is this model? Cold weather on Spain, :whoo:

Vostok Amphibia 1967 Ltd. Ed...

This is a re-issue of the 1967 model...

Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) 2379 It's big ( 42mm x 50mm x 15mm )

The re-issue and the original...

Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) 3933862759_09c68dc465_o


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Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) Empty Re: Russian in the snow...( Pics. )

Message par françois assay Ven 15 Jan - 10:44

Very nice thanks! :yes:
françois assay
françois assay
Rhincodon typus
Rhincodon typus

Nombre de messages : 4981
Age : 61
Localisation : Le Raincy
Date d'inscription : 03/04/2009

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Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) Empty Re: Russian in the snow...( Pics. )

Message par Jean-Michel Ven 15 Jan - 15:35

Excellent photo shoot in the snow : thank you very much for sharing with us !

Memento audere semper : souviens-toi d'oser toujours
Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) Signaturepath_zpsd49429c6
Douxding's power dive team - TDI-SDI Assistant Instructeur - Niveau IV - Trimix  - plongeur Pathfinder CCR Trimix - Instructeur photo/vidéo - plongeur recycleur O2 !
Carcharodon megalodon (Administrateur)
Carcharodon megalodon (Administrateur)

Nombre de messages : 33056
Age : 58
Localisation : Région Parisienne
Date d'inscription : 17/06/2007

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Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) Empty Re: Russian in the snow...( Pics. )

Message par Invité Ven 15 Jan - 15:36

Beautiful pictures and very nice watch !



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Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) Empty Re: Russian in the snow...( Pics. )

Message par Invité Ven 15 Jan - 16:36

Great pictures and a charming watch! Love the look.


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Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) Empty Re: Russian in the snow...( Pics. )

Message par Invité Ven 15 Jan - 18:07

Very nice pics


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Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) Empty Re: Russian in the snow...( Pics. )

Message par titus Ven 15 Jan - 18:26

Yo trabajo con un español que se rompió el brazo el año pasado aquí en Suiza en venir a trabajar.
Este año se tardó 5 semanas de vacaciones este invierno para estar en Madrid, y así evitar la nieve ...:rigole:

Me parece que hay màs nieve en Madrid que aqui.

Aparte de eso, muy buenas fotos. :right:


Si cela va sans dire, cela ira encore mieux en le disant.
Rhincodon typus
Rhincodon typus

Nombre de messages : 2974
Age : 49
Localisation : Suisse
Date d'inscription : 09/10/2009

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Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) Empty Re: Russian in the snow...( Pics. )

Message par Jean-Marc Ven 15 Jan - 20:33

Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) 312811 Nice shots! Thanks for sharing!

Rhincodon typus
Rhincodon typus

Nombre de messages : 11591
Age : 48
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2007

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Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) Empty Re: Russian in the snow...( Pics. )

Message par logan Sam 16 Jan - 7:58

Very nice pics and watch....

Croire et oser
Carcharodon carcharias (Modérateur)
Carcharodon carcharias (Modérateur)

Nombre de messages : 4956
Age : 62
Localisation : Gironde
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2008

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Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) Empty Re: Russian in the snow...( Pics. )

Message par Invité Sam 16 Jan - 13:29

Thank you for the pictures! This watch is not easy to find and
It is a pity because i love it Wink


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Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) Empty Re: Russian in the snow...( Pics. )

Message par Invité Mar 19 Jan - 17:15

vostok on the rocks !!!

Extraordinary shots, thanks Juan


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Russian in the snow...( Pics. ) Empty Re: Russian in the snow...( Pics. )

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