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Seconds hand for vintage Longines Marine Nationale

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MARINE - Seconds hand for vintage Longines Marine Nationale Empty Seconds hand for vintage Longines Marine Nationale

Message par Nostredahmus Jeu 7 Sep - 20:33

Good day.
I'm looking for a blued central sweep second hand for a circa 1947 Longines Marine Nationale 5774 (12.68N movement).  
These hands are roughly 11.5mm from the pinion hole to the tip, and roughly 14.5mm overall.
I contacted Cousins, and they said "unfortunately parts restricted by Swatch and are currently unavailable."
I've checked eBay, but most vintage Longines hands are in sealed envelopes.
The part numbers on the envelopes make no sense to me.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
MARINE - Seconds hand for vintage Longines Marine Nationale Longin10

futur requin
futur requin

Nombre de messages : 2
Age : 63
Localisation : Canada
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2023

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